01 Aug

15 Team Building Problem Solving Activities for Work


Some employers focus more on practical skills than problem-solving abilities. However, no team can overcome various challenges without solving problems together. As such, problem-solving skills are critical whether you work in a physical office or remotely.

If an entire team cannot work together, their synergy crumbles, and all other teams are affected equally.

One fun and exciting way to bring together a successful team and promote creative problem-solving is by holding team-building problem-solving activities.

These team-building activities boost communication skills, critical thinking, and collaboration in various games, mental tests, and situations.

If you want to learn more about how we can help upgrade your next team building activity, book a demo with us and explore our various options and activities.

From competitive yet creative challenges to exciting races across an office room or city, our guide to these team-building games will help bring team members closer and boost problem-solving processes for everyone.

1. Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower

Whenever a problem comes up at work, every team member has various creative solutions that reflect their strengths and abilities.

However, the Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower requires unified critical thinking and communication skills for an entire team to win.

How the Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower Challenge Works

This fun game uses only four construction materials: marshmallows, uncooked spaghetti pasta, tape, and string.

As the name suggests, this game has one goal: build an entire random structure using these four materials and ensure it does not break apart afterward. The group with the sturdiest and most functional design wins the game.

From the premise alone, this game already sounds like an interesting problem. The difference in the marshmallow’s softness and the pasta’s rigid shape makes combining both items into one unified build a unique challenge.

Additional rules, like a height and time limit, may be added to increase teamwork. Some players can even receive limits, such as using only a set number of pasta and marshmallows to build a free-standing tower.

All the teams must work together and use creative problem-solving to build the structure. The group members pitch various unique ideas to build the structure, and team dynamics are tested as they race to finish building within the time limit.

Every member gets to help out, increasing speed and precision. Whether it is to think of the initial design or to ensure every marshmallow keeps multiple pasta noodles together, everybody has to use their skills with speed and accuracy to ensure a win.

How Building Marshmallow Towers Strengthens Collaboration

With this team-building activity, every material used to combine everything matters. If one part falls apart, the team must redo everything and start again.

Despite this, their collaboration increases as everyone tries to reason with one another to combine all ideas into one. They will have to check that everyone suggests an idea, helps in the building, and does not clash with others over their design ideas.

More than racing against other teams while building the tower, it allows all teams to implement combined ideas.

Each player contributes their idea for the structure — such as the areas where the marshmallows go and how to construct it best so it does not fall over. When the real challenge of constructing their build idea starts, players are tested on how well they follow team instructions.

As they synchronize as a group and use their problem-solving abilities, all group members gain more creative thinking abilities while having fun. This game even brings out the leadership skills in everyone, as each team player guides and helps one another while building the tower.

Their communication and collaboration skills strengthen, boosting the company culture and forming new bonds. Every group ends the game with more respect, understanding, and knowledge of the creative talents and logical ideas of other people in the team.

2. Egg Drop

What better way to spend a day with your coworkers than with an egg-throwing competition? The egg drop is a classic team-building activity that tests critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills.

While some may have experienced playing this fun game during their school years, it remains one of the best team-building problem-solving activities that can carry over to your working life.

Like the Marshmallow Spaghetti Tower challenge, this game tests your physics skills while pushing your creative ideas to the limits to ensure the egg does not break.

How to Play the Egg Drop Challenge

To play the egg drop challenge, every team member must help make a contraption that protects only one egg. The contraption may be any shape or size as long as it only uses the given materials and does not crack the egg when released from a certain height.

Each team will be given thirty minutes to an hour to brainstorm and construct a shape housing the egg. After giving a signal, each team drops their contraption from a higher level to the ground. A judge checks for an unbroken egg to decide the winning team.

The egg drop team-building game requires eggs, basic construction materials, and outdoor free space for team-building activities. It is recommended that the outdoor space is more on a grassy area to make the activity less messy.

However, a concrete space provides an exciting twist to the existing challenge if you want to test each team’s construction and building skills.

These are the common construction materials needed for the egg drop game:

  • Newspapers
  • Straws
  • Tape
  • Balloons
  • Plastic wrap
  • Rubber bands
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Tarps
  • Cotton balls

While these are commonly used, the decision over what materials to use is in the hands of the team leader. What matters is that the team uses their best construction and brainstorming skills to protect the egg while working with their creative abilities.

Why the Egg Drop Game Helps Team Harmony

With their leader’s direction and the team’s collective creative thinking, this team-building exercise tests the creativity of everyone in the team and helps develop problem-solving skills.

Will they use geometric shapes or be more creative?

The possibilities for what structure they can build to encase an egg are endless. Since they can build in so many ways, every member has the chance to contribute, strengthening team synergy and self-confidence.

As they use these basic construction materials and work together to protect the egg, each moment helps improve team collaboration and critical thinking.

Not only are the teams working better together, but they also discover new skills within themselves. With their logical thinking and creative talents strengthened, all members learn to work efficiently while forming bonds with each other.

3. Minefield

Another popular option for team-building problem-solving activities is playing Minefield. This exciting game requires small teams, such as two team members each, to work together and get from one end of a room to another without bumping into “mines.”

How to Play Minefield

This game starts with team members filling an empty room with objects that work as “mines” or things you cannot touch. These mines can be anything, from a stack of books to a chair.

After putting the objects around the room, players must go through the room without walking into the obstacles. The goal locations may be from one end of the room to another or in a different direction, adding to the challenge.

When you form two teams (or more), only one person per team wears a blindfold. The non-blindfolded team member must guide the blindfolded member with their directions to get through the mine-filled room before the other teams.

After the two teams complete the challenge, the other team member gets to wear the blindfold. The “mines” can be rearranged or changed into larger objects to increase the challenge.

You can even shorten the time limit to make things more exciting or change the goal location entirely. Another fun idea is to swap teams after each player gets to navigate through the mines, strengthening the skills of a larger group while providing a thrilling experience.

Why Is Minefield a Good Team-Building Game?

This problem-solving exercise tests how well each team member communicates with the other. Since only one person can direct the other, the blindfolded member must use their listening and creative problem-solving skills to win the game.

The other exercises their coaching and leadership skills. This added skill is especially beneficial to team members who are soft-spoken or do not have as much leadership experience.

The minefield game makes team-building problem-solving activities more fun and thrilling. It also boosts the decision-making muscles of each team on how to best communicate directions to one another.

These are skills they can use for various work-related conflicts over time. It is also fun to build happy memories and trust as players struggle not to bump into the mines and listen to the instructions of their teammates.

4. Reverse Pyramid

While building a pyramid out of plastic cups from the bottom upwards is easy, have you ever tried building an entire pyramid from the top downwards?

Now, you can try making a reverse pyramid with this challenging and creative team-building activity.

How to Do the Reverse Pyramid Game

The Reverse Pyramid game requires five to seven team members to construct a pyramid out of plastic cups, but with a twist: they need to start from the top and only move its base to add new levels.

To add to the challenge, only one person at a time can move the plastic cups and build the pyramid. Other team members must act quickly and hold the plastic cups in place so they do not fall over.

Such a unique challenge causes everyone to cooperate, think quickly, and move as one to win the game.

With the added challenge of the lighter weight of a plastic cup and limited movements, everyone will surely face a challenging yet rewarding experience.

If any part of their pyramid falls, they must start over. With the added pressure from a time limit and competition from other teams, the patience and ability of everyone involved to solve problems quickly is tested.

After building the reverse pyramid, a judge checks each team’s area to see which group managed to keep theirs standing.

How the Reverse Pyramid Game Strengthens Adaptability

These creative problem-solving activities measure how well every team member adapts to a challenging situation. Additionally, it tests how efficiently everyone communicates and collaborates to succeed.

Since no more than one person can move the plastic cups on the bottom row, everyone must agree on the responsibilities of each member, building their leadership skill and team synergy.

Not only does it push their team-building problem-solving skills, but it also encourages them to work fast and rely on the strengths of fellow teammates.

Even if some high-pressure moments show weaknesses, the team helps one another continue and do their best to win. As every second passes, you see how each team learns to work together on the spot to match the abilities of others.

This strategy carries over past the game and into their work as the team unites to help each other during challenging moments and stressful situations. With their adaptability increased, working as a united team becomes easier than before the challenge.

Despite the limitations, every team learns to grow from their mistakes and work efficiently. Even as parts of the pyramid fall, strong teams can power through it rather than blaming each other for such mistakes.

Whether they win or not, all team members end the game feeling more mentally stimulated and closer to their team. By understanding their roles, they gain more confidence.

5. Cardboard Boat Building Challenge

While most team-building activities gain their challenging nature from time or material limitations, what happens when team members need to adjust and work with natural challenges that are out of their control?

The cardboard boat-building challenge pushes everyone to solve problems most creatively and functionally. After all, how often do you get to build a boat out of cardboard while including all of the structural ideas your team comes up with?

What Is the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge?

To play the cardboard boat-building challenge, all team members must construct a boat that floats and sails across a body of water using only one large piece of cardboard and tape.

With the added difficulty of the water current and cardboard quickly falling apart when wet, this problem-solving challenge will test every player’s creativity and building skills.

The game moderator can encourage participants to exercise their creative thinking skills, consider the movements of the water, and build a functional cardboard boat within a time limit.

With just a few materials, everyone must provide ideas, agree on a final design, and help each other create the boat. Not only will they have to face the strength of the water, but they also have to race against time and other teams to construct a functional boat.

Regardless of whether one team member suggests the most unusual idea or the most functional one, each team has complete freedom to decide what their boat will look like.

After finishing the boat, they explain to the other groups why their boat is the best before testing it on the water.

You may add additional criteria to pick the winner, such as the best-designed boat or the boat that lasts the longest before falling apart.

Why the Cardboard Boat Building Challenge Promotes Collaboration

This fun problem-solving activity has everyone collaborating and doing their best to help the team.

From brainstorming the best design that lasts on the water to using the limited, weak materials to build the boat, everyone plays their part to ensure the team’s success.

Every small win they have strengthens their bonds and improves the overall company culture.

Afterward, each group can carry these learned skills to their work. They will know how to work better together when a new challenge arises.

Collaboration is more than simply working together to reach a goal. Thanks to the cardboard boat-building challenge, every member understands how their teammates collaborate and how they can use these abilities to help the entire company.

6. Lost at Sea

If the last team-building game had each player working together to build a boat, how challenging would it be to be stuck on a boat with your team members?

This next team-building activity will simulate an interesting situation that will have everyone thinking outside the box.

What is the Lost at Sea Game?

The Lost at Sea team-building activity is an exciting game with one main goal: letting every team member decide on the most essential survival items while on a stranded boat.

This game pushes everyone to solve problems logically, individually, and as a group while surviving on the open water.

Playing Lost at Sea requires everyone to have a chart, writing materials, and their imagination. It is a relatively quick yet fun mental challenge that provides insight into how different employees prioritize the same materials for survival.

How to Play Lost at Sea

The game starts with all team members receiving a six-column chart. If you are setting up this game, check that everyone receives a copy of it and a pen first before starting. Here are the details included in the chart:

  • First Column: This column includes various survival items that team members must use. The complete list will be included below.
  • Second Column: This column should remain empty so that team members can rank the items in the first column in order. The order should go from the most important survival item to the least important.
  • Third Column: This column is meant for the team’s overall ranking, where they combine individual rankings and put them into an order that everyone agrees on.
  • Fourth Column: This column is used to write the correct ranking in order of importance. Specific criteria from the US Coast Guard determine the most essential survival items for getting help.
  • Fifth and Sixth Columns: These two columns are reserved for the team members to note the difference between their individual and correct scores from the ranking by the US Coast Guard.

Using their problem-solving skills, each member needs to analyze various items and imagine how they would use them if stuck at sea.

These are the survival items that team members must work with and note in the correct order of importance:

  • Pack of Matches: Though some believe a pack of matches would be useless out on the sea, it has many benefits if paired with good problem-solving skills. Additionally, this item helps keep you warm during cold evenings out in the open water.
  • Shaving Mirror: When a mirror is faced towards the sun, its light reflects onto the mirror and acts as a signaling beacon to passing ships.
  • Can of Gas: While some believe it useless, it is incredibly helpful with a lit match. By causing a large flame and using it like a torch, calling for help to ships passing by significantly boosts survival.
  • Water Container: As many people lost in the sea die quickly from dehydration, having a water container with you helps collect rainwater and stay hydrated.
  • Emergency Food Rations: These quick meals fight off starvation, especially when lost at sea for a long time.
  • Plastic Sheet: Plastic sheets are a great alternative to a water container as they help collect rainwater and provide shelter.
  • Chocolate Bars: Other than being a necessary food supply, the sugar within chocolate bars provides a quick boost of energy that keeps a survivor going while waiting for help.
  • Fishing Rods: While this item helps catch food, the chances of successfully catching fish are small, especially without bait or fishing experience.
  • Rope: Though rope may be helpful to repair the surface or boat you are standing on, it does not guarantee survival and sees little usage.
  • Floating Seat Cushion: If your raft or boat sinks, a floating seat cushion may be helpful as a life preserver.
  • Shark Repellant: Shark repellents are useful for protecting yourself in the open sea, but the chances of running into sharks or even having shark repellents are minimal.
  • Bottle of Rum: Rum helps clean wounds, which is crucial, especially at sea. While it may also be a way to combat dehydration, rum may not be the best choice to keep you hydrated for a long time.
  • Radio: Radios help you call for help from nearby ships or coast guards, but there may also be a high chance that you are out of their range. The radio may also break easily, especially when surrounded by water.
  • Sea Chart or Map: Though helpful, sea charts or maps are useless without navigational equipment. Without knowing your direction, these items are more useful for building a fire.
  • Mosquito Net: This net would be useless unless you are near an area with many mosquitos.

The first step to playing this game is dividing everyone into groups of five. After each member gets a paper and pen with the listed materials, give them ten minutes to rank each item depending on how useful they are for survival.

After ten minutes, let them discuss their rankings with their group. The group then combines individual rankings into their group ranking. Afterward, show each team the correct order listed above and explain the reasons why.

This team-building game may also be played virtually. Using video conferencing platforms, remote teams can be divided into small teams, and their ranking can be decided individually and as a group.

How the Lost at Sea Game Impacts Communication

The Lost at Sea game helps encourage participants to think logically yet creatively while boosting their communication abilities.

Since the game requires you to explain why you ranked various materials in such an order, it increases confidence in presenting thoughts and opinions.

This game also teaches team members to boost their listening skills while collaborating.

Do you want to experience fun and customized team building activities? Book a demo to see how we can improve your next team building sesssion.

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7. Escape Room


Imagine being stuck in an eerie room with your coworkers, with puzzles and cryptic escape instructions.

With an added time limit challenge and a prize for the winning team, members need to use the best of their problem-solving skills to survive an escape room.

What Are Escape Rooms?

Escape rooms are popular team-building activities that strengthen teamwork, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. These rooms often have a dark, foreboding design, such as an abandoned basement or a broken, horror house-esque bedroom.

Each team is placed inside a room where they must solve puzzles, decipher codes, and use clues to figure out ways to escape before the timer ends. You can add a competitive factor by pitting two teams together and seeing which group escapes first.

Escape rooms combine exciting challenges and problem-solving opportunities, from challenging logic puzzles to math equations. These unique rooms have a variety of themes, puzzles, and limitations that let everyone exercise their brain and work fast.

Escape room puzzles are popular among players for various difficulty levels. They may sometimes be as simple as memorizing a number pattern or as tricky as using answers from previous puzzles to decode them.

The best part about escape rooms is that they can also be done as a virtual team-building activity. A virtual escape room mimics the challenge, suspense, and intrigue of an in-person escape room but with the added element of it all being completely online.

The virtual escape room experience allows remote teams to collaborate outside work and encounter problem-solving games and puzzles.

The remote team strengthens their collaboration skills while trying to escape and work in the same direction.

The Benefits of Escape Rooms

As every team faces a puzzle, they hear and experience each member’s logical and creative ideas.

Since everyone tries to solve puzzles differently, the team must communicate and learn the most efficient way to solve the puzzle while combining solutions from everyone.

Such a challenging situation often happens in our real working lives, especially when faced with difficult team decisions or deadlines.

By knowing the logical and creative strengths of each team member when faced with an unforeseen situation, everyone is better prepared for when real-life puzzles come their way. This strengthened teamwork is incredibly important for any company to survive.

Whether these problem-solving games are done as a virtual team-building activity or in-person, everyone plays a vital role in the group’s success, enhancing company culture and friendships.

8. Code Break

While escape rooms combine our innate sense of survival in unfamiliar territory with challenging puzzles, Code Break is a fun team-building activity filled with brainteasers, interesting trivia, and tricky codes.

How to Play Code Break

In Code Break, teams must finish fun problem-solving activities like deciphering codes, answering trivia questions, and unlocking riddle answers within a time limit.

You can make Code Break even more exciting with a time limit and sought-after prize. As every team player works together to determine the meaning of a code and answer riddles, they learn to listen to one another and discover how each person views puzzles differently.

Why Is Code Break Great for Team Building?

These team-building exercises simultaneously test everyone’s mental skills, creativity, and logic capabilities while strengthening collaboration and quick thinking within a team.

Even a remote team can enjoy the fun with a virtual code break. Like the in-person equivalent of the game, virtual code break provides challenging problem-solving group activities requiring the input and cooperation of everyone involved.

By understanding how each player understands the challenge and uses creative thinking to solve it, they work better as a team by complementing the strengths and weaknesses of everyone involved.

If you want to test logic skills, then this is the team-building problem-solving activity for you.

9. Murder Mystery

Suppose escape rooms and code-breaking games get your excitement flowing.

In that case, murder mysteries are thrilling team-building problem-solving activities that combine suspense, logic, and teamwork into one gruesome mystery.

The Murder Mystery Game Defined

In a murder mystery game, a group is given key details about an unsolved murder case. These murders are sometimes explained in gruesome detail, so ensure that team players can handle the suspense before splitting into groups.

Using various pieces of evidence like coroner reports, police statements, witness testimonials, and possible suspects, each member must review the case details and work together to determine the culprit.

Each member gets to see how their teammate views and makes inferences about the situation. Not only do they need to name a suspect, but they have to figure out how the murder happened and its motive.

A significant aspect of murder mystery games is that they can also be done as a virtual team-building game. A virtual murder mystery tests collaboration as the team races toward the truth and solves a gruesome mystery before the time runs out.

How Murder Mysteries Increase Critical Thinking

These problem-solving group activities put collaboration and critical thinking skills at the forefront.

By roleplaying as investigators, the thrill of chasing after the suspect and solving the case brings everyone together to agree on the correct answers.

Whether done virtually or in person, murder mystery problem-solving activities allow everyone to flex their logical thinking muscles, listen to everyone’s opinions, and agree on the actual suspect.

10. Wild Goose Chase

Have you ever wanted to explore a city and solve puzzles like “The Amazing Race” but do not want the added pressure of a time limit as you go around?

With team-building activities like Wild Goose Chase, you experience a combination of an escape room, code break, and scavenger hunt in one fun package.

How to Do the Wild Goose Chase Challenge

Armed with a list of items or places to take pictures of, each team must work together to solve puzzles and codes that block directions.

A wild goose chase event can start from within your office and extend to your surrounding city. As each team goes from one location to another, they must finish a set of problem-solving activities to proceed.

For example, they will have to take a photo of a nearby building from a particular viewpoint with a specific group pose.

They could solve a puzzle detailing where to go next or decipher a code that explains the group activities required to reach the next spot.

You can even increase the fun and challenge by setting up a points system for groups to reach every location or various fun prizes whenever they answer a puzzle.

Another idea is to instruct everyone to take videos instead of photos for more funny moments between players.

Wild Goose Chase Benefits

With the Wild Goose Chase game, teams boost their collaboration and relationship.

Whether they need to take a funny photo or search for a hidden spot in the city, these problem-solving group activities mix the thrill of an adventure with newfound knowledge for their office or city.

Whichever additional feature you add, each player will have fun unlocking new locations and creating enjoyable memories with everyone while exploring a city.

11. Shrinking Vessel

As a child, you may have played musical chairs at least once.

Team problem-solving group activities like the Shrinking Vessel game work similarly, where everyone aims to stay within a “safe spot” as the areas around them shrink gradually.

Shrinking Vessel Game Mechanics

This exciting problem-solving game only needs a rope or string. First, you will have to gather everyone into teams. Each team will have to stand together and be surrounded by the rope.

After a minute passes, the rope or string is adjusted to be smaller than before. This smaller space forces everyone to stick closer together until the circle is so small that all players must start thinking of creative ways to stay within the circle.

Whether some players carry the others or keep one foot in the circle and the other raised above the rope, every team has to think of a unique problem-solving way to keep everyone inside and not lose the challenge.

Adaptability With the Shrinking Vessel

As the shrinking vessel game tests teamwork and collaboration skills, it also increases adaptability.

Adapting to various situations and challenges in the workplace is a vital skill for any employee, but the best solutions come from teams working together to face these issues.

Throughout the game, everyone shares their ideas about keeping their teammates in their safe spots without falling over themselves.

As the circle shrinks around them, they must think quickly and work with the challenge to keep everyone within the circle. This quick-thinking ability helps in adapting to real-life difficulties and work conflicts.

This game gives more opportunities for funny memories with all the teams and teaches everyone to work as one unit and help each other succeed.

Thanks to this exciting problem-solving activity, everyone reaches the end feeling more appreciation for one another and a stronger sense of community.

Do you want to experience fun and customized team building activities? Book a demo to see how we can improve your next team building sesssion.

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12. Dumbest Idea First

All the team-building activities we discussed up until now required at least one material.

However, the Dumbest Idea First game is a unique challenge that does not require physical materials or preparation. Instead, it only needs a mix of humor, creativity, and logic to win.

How to Play Dumbest Idea First

This unique problem-solving game requires players to form teams and solve problems with the most unusual, useless, or dumb ideas.

The team with the dumbest idea out of everyone else wins the challenge, especially if their idea actually ends up solving the problem.

This game is perfect for teams without thinking of logically intricate or complicated solutions to various problems. It is a hilarious game that makes everyone see solutions to different issues with an entirely new perspective, opting for more funny than practical solutions.

For example, the situation concerns leaving your home to go to the office, but you forget to bring your wallet.

Team players will have to think of unusual answers to solve this problem, like doing an “invisible wallet song” where you chant for your wallet to magically appear in your pocket on your way to work.

After everyone gives their idea, compile all the dumb answers within a list and run through them to decide which idea may realistically solve the problem. You may also choose a winning idea depending on how much it makes everyone laugh.

Why the Dumbest Idea First Game Matters

As everyone laughs at each other’s ideas, the creativity and communication between the team strengthen.

It gets everyone to think outside the box and go beyond what basic logic and common sense tell them. Additionally, it puts a spotlight on the creative ideas of each member.

The Dumbest Idea First game may be part of virtual team-building activities, where a remote team uses video conferencing programs to discuss hilarious problem-solving ideas.

13. What Would X Do

Suppose the murder mystery game had teams roleplaying as detectives. What Would X Do is an exciting problem-solving activity that lets everyone act like a famous Hollywood celebrity, writer, or musician.

However, it is not just a roleplaying game. What Would X Do pushes everyone to solve various challenges simultaneously without breaking character.

What Would X Do? Rules and Benefits

Each person and their celebrity character is given a specific challenge or problem. As their character, they have to solve it with key characteristics that the celebrity they chose will do.

Let us say that a player chooses to act like Tom Cruise and is faced with a situation where they are stuck in an office building with no escape.

They could suggest ideas similar to Mission Impossible, acting out lines Cruise said or daring actions he would make to get out. The main rule is that their solutions have to explicitly match their character.

As everyone acts like their celebrity and gives answers to the problems, the team decides which person acted out their celebrity the best or used the specific talents of their celebrity to solve the problem best.

With many possible celebrity options and unusual situations to give players, this problem-solving game is a huge favorite among many.

It teaches everyone to go beyond conventional ideas and think like their character, adapting quickly to limitations, boosting self-confidence, and increasing creativity.

14. Domino Effect Challenge

Have you ever seen videos where a machine is set to produce a chain reaction through different triggers and points?

Those are called Rube Goldberg machines, and with strategic team-building activities like the Domino Effect challenge, players work together to build their machines.

What Do You Need to Play the Domino Effect Challenge?

The Domino Effect challenge requires deep collaboration, teamwork, and problem-solving to build a structure that produces a chain reaction.

Everyone works together for a shared goal, whether to get dominoes moving together to form a particular shape or create intricate designs and words.

Materials used in the domino effect challenge may range from various things. Some players use smaller items and more straightforward mechanics, while more skilled teams include a wider range of materials and goals for their chain reaction to reach.

Every team must work together to brainstorm the best design their structure can have and how the chain reaction does not stop.

You can add an extra challenge by setting a time limit for everyone to adapt and work better under pressure or a smaller space to place their designs.

After everyone completes their structure, each team presents what they built and demonstrates the chain reaction. The team with the most intricate, structurally sound, and best-designed Rube Goldberg machine wins the challenge.

How the Domino Effect Increases Collaboration

This team-building game is more than just building machines and winning prizes.

Whether a team wins or loses, the Domino Effect perfectly symbolizes how team collaboration is essential to reach any goal using each member’s talents, strengths, and innate skills.

Teams composed of employees who have not previously worked together complete the challenge, feeling closer and more in tune with one another.

Everyone gains a new perspective on how each person strategizes, conceptualizes, and applies various ideas to one working product.

15. Bridge Builders

Among the various team-building activities discussed on this list, the Bridge Builders problem-solving challenge is one of the many activities that take creative inspiration from real-life items.

Bridge Builders Game Definition and Mechanics

Bridge Builders requires teams to come together and build different bridge segments, connecting one or multiple points.

Using only a few materials, such as straws or popsicle sticks, each team must construct a sturdy bridge that does not fall over after a few minutes.

These bridges face challenges similar to those of the Domino Effect or Cardboard Boat Building. Not only are teams limited to weak materials, but they also face a time and space limit.

After each person builds their segment of a bridge, they bring their portion to their team and combine it into one free-standing bridge.

To ensure the bridge works properly, every player must do their best to work with a unified structure while adding their creative ideas.

How the Bridge Builders Game Affects Team Creativity

Rather than hindering teams, these problem-solving challenges further boost their creative and teamwork skills.

Teams may have many possible strategies to build a bridge while working with these limitations. They could focus more on functionality than design or find a way to include more features without affecting the size and weight of the bridge.

Whichever way the teams decide to put their problem-solving skills to good use, the bridges that come from this challenge take many forms.

Regardless of whether they look like an architectural model or are as simple as bridges get, what matters is that each team learns to work and collaborate.

The problem-solving techniques required for the Bridge Builders challenge affect each player long after the game.

As everyone works as one to build the best bridge, all players learn how every person tackles the same problem, which is something they can apply to work-related issues.

Key Takeaways on Team Building Problem Solving Activities

Various businesses and employees strive to provide problem-solving strategies for their audience. However, they may sometimes forget that the employees themselves need fun, collaborative, and creative challenges to enhance company culture and productivity.

Problem-solving is extremely important in any office, regardless of rank or niche. Conflicts and challenges appear randomly. As such, it’s important to ensure that everyone knows how to solve these issues accurately and responsibly and keep the company working smoothly.

By holding team-building problem-solving activities once in a while, either physically or virtually, you help foster better collaboration and teamwork skills while increasing friendships and happy memories.

Morale increases as everyone collaborates with fun games, challenges, and prizes. 

Do you want to experience fun and customized team building activities? Book a demo to see how we can improve your next team building sesssion.

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